Personal quotes | Quotes *1

Being someone who is obsessed with quotes and have a wall dedicated to random pieces of paper and post-it notes full of my favourite quotes, as shown below…

So because of this I came up with an idea of having a mini series on my blog where I have a different theme and put my top 10 favourite quotes or thoughts about that theme. For anyone who reads Sprinkle of Glitter's blog (FAVE blog) then it’s a bit like her motivational Monday posts but wont be every week.

To start this mini series I am going to have a theme of ‘personal’ as everybody gets bad days especially as the weather is getting colder and we have more rainy days which stops you from wanting or being able to do anything which, especially with me, can lead to over thinking. So here are my top 10 quotes to think about and hopefully change the way you view yourself more positively.

Whenever I have one of these days I always go onto Pinterest, We Heart It and Tumblr (if you haven’t worked it out I am obsessed with those sites) and just look up different quotes. Quotes always seem more inspirational when seen as graffiti on a wall…just me?

Quote edited so it would suit both genders
Hope you enjoy this new type of blog post.

Talk to you later x


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