Halloween tag | Halloween

My whole Halloween series has been leading to this moment. The Halloween tag.

1. What is your favorite Halloween movie?
The Nightmare Before Christmas, a classic Disney Halloween film.
2. 1-10, how much do you enjoy Halloween?
9, it would have been a 10 but I feel it should be longer. I know it won’t but if it could become longer it would get a 10.
3. What is your fondest Halloween memory?
I have no idea what age I was but I was defiantly young, I want to say 7, my mum an auntie put on a mini Halloween party just for me. Before you judge and think I have no friends and think my family felt sorry for me, it was after I came back from a different Halloween party. I was invited as it was a friend of the families but it was mainly full of my brother’s friends and as much as I tried and my brother helped I couldn’t do any of the games.
Does anyone else remember the days where Halloween parties included apple dunking and donut limbo? For those who don’t know donut limbo is when you have a row of mini donuts on a string and you limbo under it and have to try and get a donut of the string without it falling or dropping the donut. It’s more difficult then it sounds! As I couldn’t do these activities at the party and I wanted to try again so my mum and auntie set up both of these activities for my brother and I to try again. I still couldn’t do either but it was fun either way.
4. Have you always been a Halloween lover?
I never hated Halloween but I’ve only the last few years have I really got into Halloween.
5. How do you get into the Halloween spirit?
Eating lots of Halloween candy…like lots!
6. Favorite Halloween decorations?
Hanging bats. We used to have bats hanging around the entrance hall that I used to love stretching so it looked like they were flying…I have to find those bats again!
7. Favorite halloween/fall scent?
I wouldn’t really say that it’s a Halloween sent but anything that smells like a campfire.
8. Favorite candy?
Toffee or candy apples, I have 3-4 a week. Yes I am that addicted! Or the Smarties pumpkins that only come out at Halloween. The chocolate isn’t too great but they are just so cute. Oh and screme eggs! I can’t decide!
9. Vampires or zombies?
Vampires but not the ones who sparkle in the sun
10. What is your weird/odd fear?
I don’t think it’s really a fear but its something that freaks me out is seeing someone outside the window when you aren’t expecting it. It doesn’t even have to be dark or have the people standing there looking scary I just hate the idea of someone looking in.
I’ve had this happen before when I looked out the window at around 10ish at night and there was a middle-aged couple standing on my turning circle just looking up at my house. When I looked out they didn’t even react. They just kept looking and smiling then eventually walked away. It was terrifying.
11. Last but not least, do you believe in ghosts?

In all seriousness pretty much as soon as I started blogging I had this post ready for halloween. It's not a bad thing to be organized, okay.

Talk to you later x


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