My weekend without internet

Sorry for the iphone pic but I just wanted to eat them!
Hello again. Sorry I haven’t posted for a while, on Thursday my Internet crashed and has only just been fixed. A whole weekend without any Internet…it was difficult. As much as I hate to admit it, it showed me how much time I waste and how much my family and I depend on the Internet. They aren’t joking when they say that we are becoming brainwashed by the Internet.

When I found out that the Internet wasn’t going to be fixed until next week I was ready to pack my things and move out for the weekend. Yet it got me thinking of all the things I used to do before I fell in love with youtubers and gifs of cats. It’s surprising how many things you can get done in a day when you aren’t procrastinating on the Internet. Did you know there is an actual world outside our doors? It’s not just where the pizza man works and lives.

So this is my diary as such, of what I did when I had no Internet.
Thursday – I actually read a book and did homework. I used to read all the time, every day for hours, until I discovered Carrie Hope Fletcher and Troye Sivan and forgot how lost you could get in a book. I’m not saying I stopped reading I just didn’t read as much as I used to and mainly stuck to my school books which were incredibly boring, they still are but they aren’t so bad when you know that you have nothing else to do but read them.
Homework, who knew you could do so much homework when you weren’t reading tweets or uploading pictures in-between sentences. I’m not going to lie though it is really difficult to do A-level course work without the Internet to help. For those who passed all their exams before the Internet, I take my hat off to you, its long and tiring.

Friday – I met up with my best friend and went shopping. Actually into town shopping instead of just ordering from the Internet. Its surprising how much time it had been since I was last in town shopping and how I never knew that some stores had closed down and new ones had opened up. Haul coming up soon, all from River Island. I used to be obsessed with River Island clothes but could never afford it but when the sale comes around my whole wardrobe gets a makeover. Did anyone else see Stand Up To Cancer on Friday, I cried pretty much all the way through it, I’m so impressed on how much money they raised. Lets hope we can soon beat cancer!

Saturday – Yet again I met up with another person, yes for only the morning but still. Didn’t want to have a big change so quickly! My boyfriend’s mate, for some reason, doesn’t like going to the hairdressers, alone which meant I had to take him. Yeah I didn’t see why I had to go either. A donut and drink later I found out too much about my boyfriends mates and heard way to many bad sex jokes. Following this my parents and I all went shopping together. I don’t think that’s happened since Christmas when we all went so we could pick what stuffing we wanted. The rest of the day…well until dinner, was spent with me cleaning my room. Such as rarity! On the plus side my wardrobe is now spit into a summer and winter section and all the clothes I don’t wear anymore are gone. I think that means I should be able to go shopping again…
The evening was spent with all of us watching a movie together; we even brought popcorn to make it a bit different. I managed to convince them to watch Mortal Instruments City of Bones. Even though they needed to ask questions throughout they enjoyed it. My dad now even wants to read the book.

Sunday – Last day without the Internet. Sunday was spent with my mother and I cooking together. We used to cook together all the time so it was nice that we could do that again. My mother made her famous banana cakes whereas together we made Florentines. We’ve never made them before and would only buy them at Christmas as a treat. They are surprisingly easy to make. Which of course was followed by my mother and I watching cooking shows together. We even found one where Mary Berry was showing how to make Florentines. It was quite ironic as we were following her recipe book.
The evening was followed by another family movie night, I hope they don’t get to used to this, can’t think of any more films we will all like. 

Sunday’s film was Red Riding Hood, if you haven’t seen it I would highly recommend it, there’s elements of different genres in the film making it good for everyone.

As much as I enjoyed spending time with my family and actually being productive, I’m so glad the Internet is back. I’m only in for work tomorrow, which means the whole day will be spent catching up on all my Internet shenanigans. Wow I love that word.

Talk to you later x


  1. Sounds like you had a great weekend, it is surprising how much the internet takes over your life! It's nice to have a break sometimes :)

    Bethan Likes

  2. It's scary to think how much time I waste on it! I did have a good weekend, thank you :)


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