Christmas Tag | Christmas

I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas. I remember halfway through November planning my Christmas posts, which I barely stuck to, and looking forward to getting all Christmasy. Oh how I couldn't have been more wrong. Don't get me wrong December has been a pretty good month; lots of parties, family time, lazy days and general celebrations. Along with some relationship and friendship drama as always. Like mentioned before if I could have gone back and told myself not to worry about planning my Christmas blog posts I would have. I've hardly stuck to it, been unable to post many days due to losing documents, posts not being able to publish and other general occurrences such as to many late night outs and lazy mornings.
Yet one post I was determined to do through the crazy month of December was the Christmas Tag, this was meant to go up Christmas day but as I am going up to Wales this year and my nan doesn't have the internet, it is going up today. Due to not being able to save any planned posts due to my laptop being rubbish at saving documents for longer then 24 hours this is probably going to be my last post this week as I don't want to leave my family celebrations to find internet to publish a post along with only putting half my heart into it (like i've sadly done with a few posts this month, sorry) as thats not what I am trying to get out of blogging nor what I want those who visit my blog to read.

So, without anymore babbling, this is my Christmas tag, enjoy.

What is your favourite Christmas film?
Christmas with the Kranks. I watch it every year and still find it hilarious.
Have you ever had a white Christmas?
Once but it didn't actually snow on Christmas day just the build up to it and most of it was gone by Christmas day but I am still counting that as a white Christmas.

Where do you usually spend your holiday?
In my family home with my family but this year we are all going up to Wales to spend it with my nan as we want to spoil her this year.

What is your favourite Christmas song?
Santa Claus is coming to town by The Jackson 5, its always the first Christmas song I will listen to.

Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
Sometimes. It depends on the situation. This year we opened some of Christmas eve's eve due to us going to be away and are unable to fit them in the car but normally we try and keep them for Christmas day.

Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
Rudolf...did I miss any out?
(Did anyone else sing the song whilst reading that?)

What holiday traditions are you looking forward to the most this year?
Seeing all of the family Christmas eve, especially the baby who is always able to steal the show.

Is your Christmas tree real or fake?

What is your all time favourite holiday food/sweet treat?
Gingerbread anything. To be honest I like it all year round!

Be honest: do you like giving gifts or recieving gifts better?
In all honesty, I don't know. Obviously we all like getting gifts and seeing the nice things people think we will like but I love spending the time putting people gifts together and seeing their faces and reactions when you give it to them. Really can cheer up your day.

What is the best Christmas gift you've ever received?
My teddy dog that I got when I was about 3/4, mum said it was always more of a stocking filler but I used to take him everywhere with me and mum had to make sure I didn't pack him in my school bag and always checked multiple times that I didn't leave him in any hotel room, or my life would be over. I still have the teddy, it lies at the bottom of my bed looking well loved.

What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?
Either New York or Disney Land, they both just seem magical at Christmas.

Are you a pro-present wrapper, or do you fail miserably?
I guess i'm in between, depends on what i'm wrapping but most of the time i'm not so good.

Most memorable Holiday moment?
Gosh I don't know. Maybe I will do a whole blog post on it.

What made you realize the truth about Santa?
I saw my mum wrapping presents and I just asked her, she was so tired and bored of wrapping she told me the truth then shoved me out the room!

Do you make New Years resolutions? Do you stick to them?
I used to but I never stuck to them. I also don't believe that New Years eve is the only time you can change the way you live, any day you can make a new resolution about yourself.

What makes the holidays special for you?
Family spirit, the face that everyone is just able to relax and just enjoy each others company and not think about anything for a while. We need more Christmas holidays.


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