School tips and essentials
Like most people today
I went back to school, as I am in my second year of sixth form so it wasn’t
something to look forward to. Just the same assembly instead this time we have
to be role models and don’t get pregnant…I’m not joking I swear that was one of
the messages they were giving us, that and don’t get so drunk you die. Thanks
Moving on from weird
and not helpful advice I am going to talk about my top school tips and my
essentials for surviving secondary school.
Reading homework - As much as you may think a reading set
homework is no homework it really isn’t. The teachers are giving you a head
start on trying to learn a new and most probably hard topic so why not do it?
I, like everyone else, never did the reading homework’s then struggled the next
lesson as I didn’t have a clue on what we were doing. Just read the set task,
it really wont take as long as you think and will help, plus you may be the
only one in the class who did it so at least you get brownie points with it.
Dressing for school – its school not a fashion show. Remember that.
You are going to be in school for a minimum of six hours, make sure you are
comfy. Honestly no one cares what you look like in school so just be comfy it
will make the day so much easier.
Homework on the day – I used to say this every time I started a new
year. This year I am going to do my
homework the day I get it, this normally lasts for the first week. Likewise
I got homework today and instead of doing it I am writing this post and spent
the day with my friends, great start Megan. Honestly though teachers will
notice when you leave it to the last minute, you will forget what you were told
and will be rushing it and not do it properly. In my school teachers will make
you redo it for the next day so why put it off, your friends will always be
there when its done.
Respect the teacher – As much as teachers can say the worst things
and feel like they are purposely trying to wind you up getting gobby at them
will only give you a reputation and a punishment. I will admit its funny the
first few times but if your doing it every lesson and just to get attention you
will just annoy your teacher and eventually your class mates, is it worth the
drama after for the 5 mins of fame you get during?
Use the teachers – They are there to help you so if your stuck ask
for help. It may seem like the worst thing to do and you may think you will be
judged for it but you really won’t. That’s one of the reasons that the teacher
is there so ask them, at the end of the day you will need to know it so why
struggle when one question can clear everything up. You may be helping over
people who are also stuck but to shy to put their hand up.
My ‘essentials’:
Spare pens and pencils - but at home. Random but I know what its like
to start the year with loads of pens and pencils then halfway through they year
only having a protractor and a pencil you found on the floor.
Medicine– I’m not saying to be a drug dealer and have every tablet in the world
but you cant go home every time you feel slightly ill so taken some medicine
with you will make things so much easier.
‘Girly things’ – I’m sorry for any boys reading this but as a
girl it’s a horrible feeling not having a pad and not being able to find
someone with a spare one so they are always a must even if your not on as you
may help a girl in need.
Diary/agenda – As much as you may think you will remember the
homework writing it down doesn’t hurt and allows you plan your day better plus
you can get pretty ones, why wouldn’t you want one?
Mints – The worst thing is feeling you have bad breathe after you’ve just eat so
instead of being self-conscious about it for the rest of the day you have
something to clear it up. Also if your feeling lonely just take them out and
suddenly everyone is your friend, plus teachers can’t tell you off as it isn’t
Hand sanitizer – This could just be me as I am a germ freak, I
hate the idea of something not being clean and covered in germs and the worst
things in school is accidently putting your hand on someone’s piece of gum. The
feeling of having a gross hand for the rest of the lesson gives me shudders so
I always have to have hand sanitizer with me. You never know when you might
need it.
This post may make me
sound like the most nerdy and boring pupil ever but believe me I didn’t stick
to any of this during year 7 – 11 and regretted it so much nearer to my GCSE’s.
You’re stuck in school for a long time so you might as well make it easier for
Talk to you later x
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