Movies in school

Since when did watching movies or TV programmes in school become less fun?

We all remember the joys of seeing the teacher push the TV in the classroom as that always made you the talk of the school and the obvious, no work.
How we used to long to have it for the rest of the week and the heartbreaking moment when you see it being pushed into a different classroom.
I feel like this excitement of watching something during a lesson has faded being in secondary school and especially in sixth form.

Don't get me wrong on most occasions I would rather watch a movie then do work but today was definitely not one of those days. After having an hour of watching Dr Faustus in English I was actually excited to go to a different english lesson and do work. Oh how I was wrong. After being introduced to the rudest and sexist supply teacher i've ever had, and i've had many crap teachers, we had to watch the second half of Faustus. Please don't ask me what its about because before the film I had a slight idea, now i've seen the film I don't have a clue! How is that even possible?

I seem to always get the classroom that doesn't have a good projector, it either has a fading bulb or isn't straight and spend most of the lesson trying to get the sound to work. After having to move to a different room and had to get multiple people to try and fix the sound problem, we were halfway into the lesson and I was ready to jump out the window. It got to the point that one of the 'good pupils' fell asleep, one was doing homework, two were reading the text whilst watching it as they had no idea what was going on, some were watching it asking what was happening every five minutes and me and my partner were online shopping. I may not know what happens in Dr Faustus but i've found loads of clothes I want.

What gets me the most is that it feels like all teachers were taught how to be purposely rubbish with a computer. Even after getting told what to do they still fail. What part of 'the mute button is on' or 'press that button to go full screen' or even worse 'if you move the mouse all the buttons will fade away' do teachers not understand?

Back to the point, all TV programmes and movies watched now in school are watched due to their being an underlying message, quiz or homework piece you have to do after. Making notes, I feel, is probably the worse. How am I meant to make notes on what they just said if I'm still writing what they said before hand.
I haven't worked out what's worse yet, the teachers who don't pause it to allow you to make notes or the teacher that is constantly stopping it to allow you to make notes. Also why do all the educational films have to be filmed in the 90's? I know the 90's fashion is back but seriously, when was that hair cut ever in fashion?

On the other hand there are still some teachers who at Christmas or the end of the term put a film on just because a) they can't be bothered to teach just like we cant be bothered to learn b) it's the end of a term and we both need the break and c) they also want to watch the film. My school personally banned film being played at the end of the year or Christmas although there were always those amazing teachers who would tell you to get all your school equipment out so if anyone walked in when we were watching the film they would pause it and make us pretend we were doing work based on the film. This always used to work till we decided to watch Elf in a geography lesson.
These teachers were the ones that once inspired me to want to be a teacher.

I'm not saying I don't like watching a film during lessons but seriously teachers, can't we just watch it for the sake of watching them because they may help us, not because your to lazy to teach us so use a clip and make us do work on it. Just a suggestion.

(If this is the first blog post of mine you've read and feel that I'm really bitchy. I promise you, I'm not normally this bad. It's been a looooooong day!)

Talk to you later x


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