My fire experience and fire station visit
As my mum is a Brownie
leader I often get taken to the weirdest and most random places but today I got
dragged to a local fire station. Although I was meant to be there to help the
brownies get their fire safety badge lets be real here, I was just there to
look at hot fire fighters…this didn’t happen!
Once I got over the
fact that there were no young or hot fire fighters there I started paying
attention to see if there was anything I didn’t know. As I am someone who’s had
to get the fire fighters to my house before due to a fire and having many fire
protection assemblies there was little I didn’t already know but saying that
there were a few facts that I thought I would share them with you as I found
them interesting and could potentially save your life one day.
- Keep all doors closed, unless you’re in that room, as this stops smoke from travelling as easily and gives you time to get out.
- If stuck in a room due to a fire, close the door and get a blanket/dressing gown/pillows or any thick materials and put them at the base of the door, as this will reduce the amount of smoke that gets into that room.
- If you’re on the base level of the building and you cant get out through a door an obvious choice would be going through the window. If on any other levels and the fire is in the same room as you and you can’t get to the door they kinda suggest to throw a mattress and blankets etc out the window and if able use sheets or clothes and abseil yourself out the window as if all else fails its better to have a broken leg then being burnt or dying. This isn’t suggested often as it is very dangerous and is a last resort!
- All it takes is three breathes of smoke to make an adult unconscious.
- Fire fighters are able to tell if there is a fire on the other side of a door by using the back of their hands as that’s the most sensitive part and are able to feel the heat and where the fire is without opening the door.
What freaked me out
the most was that there were 9 year olds who have said that they have played
with fire as they were bored. The crazy! When I was that age I played with
Barbies and used my imagination. What’s happened to this generation?
The ironic thing about
my fire experience was that it was my dishwasher that caught on fire. A machine
known for using a lot of water got caught on fire. Brilliant! Not going to lie
though it was nice to see fire fighters and have them check that we were okay.
One of them even offered to take me to bed and check that I was okay until I fell
asleep(I was younger and he meant it in a nice way as my brother got back in
the bath, my dad was talking to some firemen on what to do next and my mum was
moving the dishwasher out the kitchen with the firemen).
Anyways…that was my
home fire and fire station experience.
Talk to you later x
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