Dealing with anxiety and OCD in school


As you can probably tell from the title today I am going to be talking about a topic that I have recently had to go through and I know a lot of others are also go through. Dealing with anxiety and OCD without the pressure of school can be difficult for some people but add the stress of school and the crazy lifestyle that may follow it can make some peoples life's a little more stressful and painful then others.

I personally found out that I have anxiety and mild OCD the beginning of this year, after many trips to the hospital due to anxiety caused problems and many appointments with doctors. This isn't the easiest or nicest way to find out. Many people find out via their doctors or by self checkout. If you think you may suffer from either I suggest going and seeing a doctor about is as they will be able to advise you on what to do and give you the medication that can help you through it.

If asked to do a blog post on anxiety and OCD when I discovered I had it I would have freaked out and crawled into a ball to hide. After watching many videos, talking to my best friend who has it more severe then me and reading blog posts on how others dealt/deal with their own OCD or anxiety problems its made me feel more open to talk about it and give my advice on how to deal with it especially in school.

I know the thought of people in school finding out you have anxiety or OCD can be a scary thought but honestly sometimes its for the best. The best people you can talk to is your form tutor, the school nurse/doctor and/or a school counselor. I personally told my form tutor and counselor and they both made me feel safe with their confidentiality and made me feel more me again. They will be able to give you more advise but here are some of my tips that i've done and has helped me.

  • Its okay to have things laid out the way you like, if it makes you comfortable the teachers wont make you lay things out differently
  • If you don't feel comfortable or safe where you sit explain to your teacher and ask to move, they are there to help you and will allow you to move if it makes you feel more comfortable
  • Ask to leave the room if it gets to much, I used to do this a lot before I learnt how to control it and the teachers will always let you leave if you are not feeling 100%, just make sure this isn't happening regularly, if so speak to the teacher if you can change the thing that is making you uncomfortable so you aren't constantly missing parts of the lesson
  • Always carry with you what will make you feel better, for me I cant stand the feeling of being dirty and always carry antibacterial gel with me and tablets that have been prescribed to me as it makes me feel safe and I know I have it if I need it. Unless its dangerous it wont be taken from you
  • Unless you have major OCD then no-one will notice, I used to think everyone would notice the way I laid things out and how I did things but in reality only my best friends did and they helped me, if you do have it more major they will just let you do it, I know people who have it bad and everyone just lets them do it their way, to be brutally honest no-one really cares how you do it until it affects them
  • Count to 10 and take deep breaths, this will distract you enough to calm you down from the stressful situation and allow you to start again on whatever you were doing. If this doesn't work there are many different little exercises you can do to calm yourself down, you just need to find the right one for you
  • Accept you cant always have it your way, it will be painful and annoying for the best part but once you learn this the easier it is to just get on with the task.
My main tip is to talk to someone you trust about it and just try your best. Its easier when you know what causes your anxiety or OCD, for me its mainly school and the feeling of being dirty but sometimes it can just play up when I don't feel safe or in a new situation. Once you've worked this out its easier to find ways to reduce and help get over it. It takes time and can sometimes just play up so just be careful and stay positive. 

REMEMBER its okay to have a bad day and take a break! Everyone has them and everyone has their own ways of getting over it. 
You are not alone, there is always someone there to help you!

I hope this has helped you and I am always here if you want to talk or need more help!

See you soon x

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