My 100th Blog Post

Hello everyone, 

I know it may not be a big deal to everyone but this is my 100th blog post. This is actually my second blog as my first blog, for some reason, kept getting an error when I went to post and they wouldn’t save either. So after a year and a lot of convincing, I decided to start another blog and thank god no error has occurred…yet!

I know recently I haven’t been posting that much and my aim with LottieMeg was to post every weekday on my life and allowing me to express my feelings and thoughts, the excuse of school and work probably shouldn’t prevent me from blogging as that is my life but either way it has. So, sorry!

No matter what happens, LottieMeg is always going to stay the same with me expressing my true feelings and me posting exactly what I want as I feel that’s what personal blogs should be about.

I’m so thankful that people like reading my posts enough to follow it and comment on my posts as it makes me so happy to know that others enjoy my blog just as much as I do.

Anyway this was just a little post to say thank you and when I look back on this in a few years time I can safely say I’m glad I decided to start again and to my parents reading this, I told you I could do it.

May be a bit much for just my 100th post but seeing as my other blog stopped me on my fourth post, I’m pretty happy!

Talk to you later x

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