We are liars book review

A beautiful and distinguished family.
A private island.
A brilliant, damaged girl; a passionate, political boy.
A group of four friends—the Liars—whose friendship turns destructive.
A revolution. An accident. A secret.
Lies upon lies.
True love.
The truth.

Truthfully there isn’t much I can say about this book, as I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who does want to read it, yet at the same time my mind is going mad over this book and I need to get it out.

“Silence is a protective coating over pain.”

In all honestly I cant say that I loved this book at the time that I was reading it but I couldn’t stop reading it and although I didn’t connect or really care about any of the characters I still wanted to know what happened to them. Yet with all that said it only took me two days to read, but can easily be done in one sitting and I would highly recommend the book to anyone.

“If you want to live where people are not afraid of mice, you must give up living in palaces.”

All I can say about the book without spoiling it, which I really don’t want to as I think if you have a slight indication on what’s going to happen then it ruins the book. But what I can say is that its about four friends, the liars, and their summers on the island and the adventures they got up to. Although the book starts with each chapter being a different character narrating the book continues with one of the liars’ point of view. The only way I can really describe it is that we as readers are learning with the main character about what happened one summer but we are one step behind.

“What if we could stop being different colors, different backgrounds, and just be in love?”

The narrating is unreliable which you can clearly tell when you start reading, which adds to the book as we as readers have to try and fill in the missing pieces. The book is split into four parts and in the forth part the truth comes out. All I knew about this book was that the ending is a shocker and that it defiantly was. I love how many websites when describing the books people are saying, Read it.
And if anyone asks you how it ends, just LIE.’ This is so true, I would never tell anyone how the book ends and don’t let anyone tell you. Just be prepared when you get to part four.

“Always do what you're afraid to do.”

Do read the book and once you have please feel free to message me about what you thought of it, as I would love to discuss it. Sorry for such a short and un-descriptive review but some books you just need to read not knowing what’s going to happen.

Talk to you later x 

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