14 things I learnt in 2014

I know so many other blogs have started doing these posts but it’s always nice to list all the new things you have learnt throughout the year.

Saying yes doesn’t always cause trouble
I was always the girl that would think something through multiple times and weigh up the options before saying yes to anything. Yet, luckily, last year I’ve started thinking on my feet and saying yes more and not regretting it. Sometimes it’s nicer to say oh well instead of what if, no matter what age you are you can still call yourself young and make mistakes. Saying yes allowed me to make new friends and experience new things this year, as well as got me situations that have made me feel uncomfortable or made people think slightly differently of me, but either way looking back all of them has put me in a new situation and I don’t regret a single thing.
Family is important
Due to all of my family living hours away any time with the family is special and now that granddad has passed it shows me how much family needs to stick together and not just through rough times. Last year has really shown me that every moment counts so instead of complaining when I have to travel to see them from now on I’m going to try my best to not get distracted by my phone and actually spend time with my loved ones.
Mistakes happen
Mistakes happen, it’s just a part of life that everyone goes through and it doesn’t mean the end of the world. Mistakes are learning curves that allow you to see where you can improve and what you do or don’t like. Mistakes allow you to grow so keep making them, just don’t keep making the same mistakes, trust me I’ve done it to many times and you just start feeling like an idiot.
Worrying does more damage then good
As much as I like the show Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff it really isn’t worth actually doing it. I used to get so worked up over things that weren’t even my problem or really didn’t need to be worried over. It got to the stage that I was making myself literally ill over it. Why did I put myself through so much pain, the fact I had multiple visits to the hospital over it clearly proves to me that worrying does too much damage, and normally isn’t necessary.
You can’t prepare yourself for everything
I know they always say expect the unexpected but sometimes no matter how much you plan for something it never goes that way. Life is all about surprises and not all of them are good ones, I couldn’t prepare myself for my granddads death and although it was a painful time I’m coping and although I was so prepared for my talk that didn’t go like I prepared it but that’s okay. Life goes on whether you are prepared or not.
Real friends support you
Friends aren’t those who have been around the longest but the ones that stick by you when you need them. Last year really showed me out of my social group who are just school friends, who my real friends are and what friends I call friends but really are just people I know. During your hard times your friends are meant to help you, remember that, I defiantly need to.
It’s okay to not always follow the rules
As much as I want to look like a good role model and tell you to follow the rules you are set sometimes you have to live not by the rules to actually live. Sorry to my parents if they are reading this but some of the memories I will never forget are due to not sticking to my parent’s rules. This doesn’t mean putting yourself in danger and you have to remember that the rules are set to protect you but sometimes rules need to be broken to show you how important they are or just what its like to live life a bit dangerously. Maybe when my parents stop reading my blog I will explain this more!
Let negative people go
You don’t need negative people in your life they are not helping you and all they are going to do is bring you down. Get rid of them and you will be happier, trust me, I did it last year and I feel so much better.
Social media isn’t the place to rant
I think we can all agree that social media is an easy place to rant but the worst place to do it. Everyone see’s it and then you have to deal with the questions on who and what its about and the person who its about always ask and then it’s just more and more drama. Should I even bother to carry on? Maybe that can be yet another new years resolution for me.
My opinion counts
Like mentioned before I was never one of those girls who said what I felt and for some reason last year I decided enough was enough and I was going to start saying how I felt and people were going to have to deal with it (I honestly have no idea where this courage came from) and for the majority of the time it didn’t turn out bad.
I started to tell people how they made me feel, joining in with discussions more and made people know that I was there and I’m so glad I’ve finally started actually talking instead of hiding away from my nerves. I’m not saying now I’m a gobby child, I still hold back but when those people start talking crazy I am there to let them know I don’t approve.
Another reason that this blog was started, so I can say what I want on what I want.
Comparing isn’t motivational
I know everyone does it and to be honest I still do sometimes but we were born to be us not someone else and as much as we may want to be like that person there are qualities that you have that they will probably want from you. It’s these qualities that make us unique.
Due to wanting to stop comparing myself I have stopped buying magazines on a weekly basis, stopped trying to look like other people and stop spending so much money on clothes that other people like just so I can fit in. All that did was make me stand out more cause it either didn’t suit me or I was so uncomfortable I wasn’t able to be myself.
A little competition is okay but comparing has its limits and can lead to sad thoughts that just aren’t needed.
I’m in control of my life
I hate letting people down and in all honesty, like most people, I do things cause I know my parents will approve. I chose to do English at A-level cause my mum kept hinting (not very well) how she thought it would be beneficial, along with her hinting that I should look into doing a job in marketing. Although I do enjoy doing English and now I’ve looked into it I really do want a job in marketing but this year when I got to chose what I did in the future I chose…and then told everyone else. For so long I kept quiet about going to uni or what boy I liked or what friends I wanted and then when the time was right I told people. Luckily everyone was supportive of me and Ben and my new friends accepted me and although my mum thought I didn’t want to go to uni was happy to take me to any open days it showed me that I am in control and other people should be helping not taking over.
It’s okay to be alone

I love this quote so much that I have it on my wall. For those who don’t know my boyfriend and I have ended, but luckily and happily have stayed friends and talk often. Now without sounding like a slut I’ve decided to turn down boy’s requests till I am happy to say I am in love with myself. When I can finally look in the mirror and not be able to find a flaw. Being alone doesn’t mean no one loves you, it just shows that you are strong and don’t need someone by your side all the time.
Taking risks is okay
Putting yourself out of your comfort zone is, well, uncomfortable (obvi) and something I tried to do as little as often but like mentioned earlier it’s okay to break some rules. Talking risks just allows you to see how far you can go with something. If I didn’t take risks last year I wouldn’t have made so many new friends, I wouldn’t have got two jobs and I wouldn’t have got with Ben. Just shows that good things can come from scary moments.

Last year really was the year I changed myself for the better and although it may not have been the best I sure have learnt a lot.

Talk to you later x 

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