Perfectly Flawed book review

I thought I was okay.
I mean, I went through my days just fine, pushing toward a goal I could easily achieve. I had friends that loved me, an aunt who adored me, and everything was just okay. But what I thought was okay and fine, all of that changed. The nightmares, well, they started again, throwing me into a pit I couldn't climb out of, the people at school were spreading and starting rumors faster than I could hear them myself, and I was remembering...I was remembering everything. Well, almost everything. Some things wouldn't come to mind, like why he did it. Why my father killed them, why he tried to kill me? It's not there. Nowhere near my memory. But I'm determined to find out.My name is Joey and this is my story.

If I am 100% honest, I got this book free on my IPad, due to somehow forgetting to take a book to Wales with me, so I wasn't expecting much, yet I was pleasantly surprised. The book was engaging with multiple twists in the book that stopped me from getting bored or distracted. 

'Those scars are yours but they're not you."

Although I personally didn't connect with Joey, mainly due to not going through what she has, I easily found her a likable and to some extent a realistic character who has a very harsh and difficult life. Personally my favourite character is her auntie as she was just so loving and funny, two needs for a good, likable character. 

"We’re all flawed, that’s what makes us human.”

Don't get me wrong I did really enjoy the book and i've even recommended it to my friend but there are some elements that just don't work. Without spoiling it she goes from being a shy nobody to kinda popular and taking part of a singing competition which doesn't really add up in my mind but hey thats just a minor flaw. 

"You can't stop a boulder from rolling downhill once it's already started."

The book mentions a lot of serious topics such as domestic abuse, rape and murder which at times makes you want to just cry for Joey and other times stop reading and think 'really?' It's not a hard read but there are defiantly moments that caused me to stop and think and other times close the book as I was reading it at 1-am and did want to sleep and not stay up with nightmares. Yet now that i've told you that these elements are in the book I think it makes it an easier read. 

"If you want me to battle your demons, I will fight until I can’t fight anymore, because that’s what you do for the person you love.” 

I don't want to give any spoilers as this is a review to encourage you to read it but in summery the characters, I found, can be easily recognized within my friendship group or just people in my school with obviously a few cases that this doesn't fit (luckily), and although I don't believe some of the activities that take place would happen in many 16/17 year old lives, I guess thats the whole point of the book, to show how dramatic and flawed her life is.

“Hell, I would kick a squirrel for some bacon.” 

Overall I give it a 4/5 and I will and have recommended it to a friend as well as probably read the sequel. This is also the first book I can tick of my reading list. I'm on my way!

Talk to you later x 

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