Wardrobe clean out tips

I am awful at getting rid of clothes. I keep clothes just in case I need them and try to justify why they can’t go to someone else. Yet it has got to the stage that I can’t buy any more clothes till I get rid of some of the ones I already have and as buying clothes is one of my number one hobbies it is time for a clean out.

Whenever I clean out my wardrobe I sort all my clothes into three piles. I either start draw by draw or pick a handful of clothes at a time and place them into three different sections:
Keep/store - The clothes that I want to keep then go into two separate piles (after I have gone through my whole wardrobe) into what goes back into the wardrobe or what will go into a storage box. For example during the summer, all my winter jumpers get put into a storage box under my bed till next winter. Leaves more room in your wardrobe without having to get rid of a large pile of clothes.
Charity/give away - The next pile is then the clothes that I no longer wear but are at a too good of a quality to bin. These will either be given to friends or sent down to the charity store.
Bin - 
The bin pile is for all the clothes that I no longer wear but aren’t in good enough quality to bin.
Once that is done I always feel like a shopping trip is needed.

To decide what I keep and what I get rid off I go through two methods:
1.     One year – if I haven’t worn an item at least once in the year then it goes. Along with this, if its only been worn a couple of times its probably best just to get rid of. If I haven’t worn it multiple times throughout the year then why do I have it? Exceptions include my prom dress or fancy dress costume (my reindeer onesie)
2.     Multiple outfit choices – this one is quite self explanatory, if I cant see multiple different outfit choices with the piece then it must go. I am not one of these girls that buys a piece of clothing that only goes with one outfit as I just don’t see the point but if this does happen, for a party for example, then I see if I can dress the item either down or up and try it with multiple different other pieces to see if it will work, if not then it goes.

Any clothes that don’t make me feel confident or glamorous also must go. I’m a firm believer in if you feel comfortable then you will be more confident so anything that is ill fitting or no longer makes me feel like me, they are gone. There is a big difference to owning an oversized item and having something that swallows you up.

For those of you who want to gain some money for your old clothes, I have become obsessed with Depop. Check it out, it is amazing. (Not sponsored)
What do you do when you are cleaning out your wardrobe?

Talk to you later x

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