Silence is the most powerful scream | Quote

I never realised how true this quote was until I became a teenager, all the things we hide from people cause we don’t want to be judged. From a personal point of view, when I finally found out my best friend suffers from panic attacks, depression and anxiety, I never understood why she just didn’t say that she was upset or mad as, although I never used to be one of these people I now am, just someone who will say how I feel, because I’m all seriousness I never thought people cared before.

It’s such a depressing thought though? Thinking no one cares how you feel so you just stay quiet. It’s scary to think how many people could be feeling depressed or nervous or in pain and we wouldn’t ever know just because they were being quiet.

I know this is such a random post but after seeing my school counselor today and realising she can tell when people are hiding something, as they are quieter then normal, it made me wonder how many other people are depressed or suffer from something and is too scared to tell anyone. I know everyone has off days, which will make them quieter then normal, but I still find it impressive that she can work it out.

When I look at this quote now it makes me think off all the times that I’ve been quiet instead of just telling someone how I feel.
·      When I was being bullied
·      Feeling lonely
·      When I didnr agree with what a friend had said
·      Needing help in lessons
·      Feeling trapped
·      During a panic attack (I’m really bad and always try and hide the fact I’ve had a panic attack. I know that’s such a bad thing to do, don’t judge)

I’m not really sure what the main point I was trying to make with this post but it just really makes me think. Whenever I see someone being quiet I always wonder how they are really feeling on the inside. I don’t know if that’s just me over thinking but after I’ve heard story’s about those who really want to commit suicide never tell anyone that they are going to do it, I wonder how many peoples lives could be saved if they just spoke up.

Just something for you to think about.
Talk to you later x


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