This is defiantly more of a personal post and a small explanation why my blog posts may not be every weekday for a while.
This Thursday was my great uncles funeral, which obviously caused a bit of disturbance in my household. The following Saturday my granddad passed away in the morning due to what we think was a heart attack.
My granddad, Roy, who was in his early 90’s with nothing but a breathing problem, managed to live a busy and successful life and was loved by everyone he met. We are looking at his death in a positive way; he managed to get dressed, have breakfast, watch a bit of TV and even managed to prepare nan’s breakfast before falling through the door and having his last sentence to his wife of nearly 70 years.
As much as we hate the fact that he’s gone, that hasn’t stopped us from laughing about some of the memories we’ve had with him.
Personally my two favourites include Penyfan pond and the chicken incident.
Penyfan Pond is a pond (obviously) that my granddad and I used to walk around together all the time. The pond has ‘question’ posts around the walk to make it more interesting for children. It took me half of the walk one time, its about 2 miles long, to realise that these posts were put up, which meant my granddad had to take me round again as I wanted to know all thee answers. He got in trouble for bringing me home late and causing my parents to have to wait till we could go home but he always said it was worth it! This lead to every time that I went up to see them, they live in Wales, he had to take me to the pond so I could answer the questions. Sadly the only answer I remember now is squirrel and due to having to push nan or granddad around the pond in a wheel chair we haven’t been able to go to the question posts but its always somewhere he enjoyed going and is a possible location for his ashes.
The chicken story, my personal favourite one. Every time I went to visit him we discussed this story and it happened when I was about 6! My grandparents came on holiday with us where we stayed in a little villa next to a chicken farm. My granddad, brother and I became friends with the farmer who allowed us to feed his chickens, FYI I am obsessed with chickens, yet we were warned that sometimes the chickens like to jump over the fence into our villa. One time when we were feeding the chickens one jumped out and started chasing my brother around one of the plants. I’m not joking my granddad and I stood laughing at him for about 10 minutes…I wish I could say I was joking. Once we could finally breath again my granddad went ‘okay I’m done’ picked the chicken up and put it back on the other side of the fence. I don’t think Stephens ever forgiven us but me and granddad still cry laughing just thinking about it.
Although I wasn’t here for this memory I wanted to include it for my brother Simon. Another time that my grandparents went on holiday with my family, before I was born, and they stupidly let my eldest brother pick where they went for dinner, so he picked a seafood restaurant. Whilst eating the horrible food my brother asked Granddad if he was eating crab. This was replied with a yes but he wasn’t, he thought he asked him if the food was crap! Since this day my brother hasn’t been allowed to pick the restaurant nor has granddad been able to give his opinion on food!
More posts will probably be coming relating to my granddad throughout the month and I know they are more personal but this blog is a way of me sharing my experiences that I can look back on in the future so please bear with. 
RIP Granddad! Gone from us but forever in our hearts!

Talk to you later x


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