My 2016 Resolutions

And of course I will be one of the last people to actually write my New Year resolutions but here we go, lets just get straight into it instead of trying to convince everyone that I will stick to them because lets face it, does anyone ever really stick to them all for the whole year, plus they are most likely to change half way through but here we go...

Cut back on alcohol and fizzy drinks - I don't actually drink that much alcohol anyway but after New Years Eve I don't think my body can take any more alcohol. As (like everyone) I wanna be more healthy I would rather eat my calories then drink them, plus the damage they do to your teeth is just not worth it.

Travel more - Yet again I know everyone wants to travel but I mean more within the local area and actually be a tourist in my own country. There is so much to do in the south west let alone England so why not actually go do it whilst I have the time, energy and money to do it. Plus a boyfriend who can and loves to drive (thanks Alec)!

Learn something new everyday - I have always been one who asks so many questions to learn something new so why not make it a resolution to learn something new?

Keep a diary - Not like a diary where you would keep your secrets but one where to write down what you do everyday and where you keep appointments, this is also where I am going to keep all the new things I learn on that day. I know I call this blog my diary but it is always nice to look back and see what you did on the days that aren't blog worthy. I don't know how long this will last but it's something I want to do so I will keep you up to date on it.

Stop itching - Yes you did read that and yes I know that does sound super weird but when I am nervous, scared or just bored I will itch my hands. Sadly but not surprisingly this has completely damaged my hands so this year I want my hands to be back to normal...this I already know won't last but now I have it in writing!

Read more - Last year I really went off reading but this year I really want to try my best to read more as it was once one of my favourite things to do as I love how you can get lost in a new world so easily. Blog post of this coming soon.

Like everyone else I want to exercise more, see my friends and family more and live the best year I can but in honestly I just want to see where this year takes me without planning it now. So 6 resolutions for 2016, lets see how many of these I can actually accomplish, I promise I will try!

What's your new year resolutions?

Talk to you later x

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