Charity Shop Book Buys | Jan 2016

I love looking through charity shops to see if I cab get a good book bargain and as I used to volunteer in a British Red Cross Book Shop I used to be able to do this often. Sadly now due to work I am unable to do this as often but luckily I have a boyfriend who is willing to spend a while in a book shop whether it be a high street or charity whilst I have a book nerd moment and spend all my money on books I don't need as I have loads other but know they would be so much happier in my house.

These are the current books I was able to pick up as Alec looked at all the car books in the corner away from his crazy girlfriend who had to look at all the shelves.

The Miniaturist 
We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves
Secret Diary of a Demented Housewife
Elizabeth Is Amazing

Have anyone else read these books?
I'm sure a review of all of these books will appear on LottieMeg at some point during the year.

Talk to you later x


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