Breakups and moving on

WARNING - This will be a rambly post as I am just going to type and post what I am thinking so be prepared.

Everyone deals with breakups in their own way. Some cry, get drunk or pick up a bad habit. Others may go out with friends, pick up a new hobby or even laugh.
No matter how you deal with it if it helps you get over it and it doesn't harm you or others in any way then do it. No matter what your friends think or suggest just do what works for you, even if others don't agree with it.

A few weeks ago I ended my relationship with Sam as I personally didn't feel 100% into it anymore, once I ended it I went and got drinks with my friends, came home and slept. Not a stereotypical way for a girls to get over a break up but it worked for me. During this time all my friends said I could go to theirs, pig out on a lot of food and cry if I wanted to but honestly I couldn't have thought of anything worse.

Don't get me wrong I was upset of course but I really didn't take that long to get over it. Which moves me onto my next point; there is no time period you have to stick to before you can move on.
I hear so many people say you should either wait the same amount of time you were with that person or double before you move on.

I say bullshit.
You can be over a relationship before it ends but not ready to move on, you may have already moved on whilst in a relationship or you could even have to wait months before you move on. It's all down to you and that relationship.
No matter what, its all okay as long as you are happy with what you are doing and think its for the best.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't think about the other persons feelings during the process because of course you should, rubbing it in the other persons face and getting with another person out of spite is just mean. Yet if it only takes you a week or a few days before you move on then why feel guilty, as long as you aren't using that person as a rebound or that person doesn't feel like one then what is the problem?

I remember having this conversation with a few of my friends and they thought it was crazy how quickly I can get over a relationship.
Is that really a bad thing?
Surely being able to move on quickly is a good thing? Breakups are difficult for everyone so why wouldn't anyone want to be in that stage for a long time?

I used to feel so guilty about getting over the relationship quickly and being able to move on but you know what, who cares? I am happy and isn't that important. It's not that I didn't like Sam or that I wasn't upset that we broke because I did and was but i'm happier now and I don't feel guilty about that at all.

Just remember that it's your breakup and your love life, do what makes you happy and love like crazy, if you have a lot of love why not share it!

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