The Me Time Tag

When I first saw this tag I thought it was going to be all about periods and how we all deal with them! Kinda glad that it isn't as my dad reads my blog (hi dad) but hey maybe one day! As I hardly post last week, I do have the excuse of being away and having to write up my English coursework, I decided the best post for me to do today is The Me Time tag as i'm longing for all my English to be handed in and I will actually be able to have some me time. Even though its been half term my teachers don't seem to realize this means having free time to do nothing!

And on to the questions...
What do you watch or read during me-time?
The book I will read normally doesn't change but I will normally read magazines during me time, such as in the bath just to go all out. When I am having some me time I will either watch a girly movie or beauty gurus on youtube. I don't know why my me time makes me go so girly but somehow it does.

What do you wear during me-time?
Anything that is soft and comfy, I am currently loving my minion pj bottoms from Primark, and then just any soft top of jumper and cozy socks of my slippers. Cozy but breezy. 

What are your me-time beauty products?
I probably wear very little makeup during my me time unless i've decided i'm going to use that time to experiment with different looks but I will always use a face mask, just whatever one I currently have in my room.

Current favorite nail polish?
Bourjois So Laque in Rouge escarpin, i'm really into red nail polish at the moment. 

What do you eat/drink during me-time?
Normally I will treat my self and have unhealthy food such as chocolate and a fizzy drink but most the time it will just be a nice lunch and some chocolate to make the day that bit more special.

Current favorite candle?
Wax lyrical in Red Cherry, its strong without being to powering and the scent lasts ages. I really don't want it to run out. 

Do you ever have outdoor me-time?
Not often but sometimes I will just go for a walk if the weathers nice, but normally to buy a magazine or to get lunch more then anything.

Would you ever go see a movie alone?
I wouldn't rule it out but I will always try and get somebody to go with me first. It depended on how much I wanted to see the movie.

Favorite online shop?
ASOS, there is always something that I want from ASOS. I have to stop myself from looking.

Anything to add? What else do you do during me-time?
Me time for me normally involves me being really lazy and not doing much, the best way to spend a me day I think!

Talk to you later x 

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