January Favourites

I would have a picture like every other blogger does showing my January favourites but weirdly I only have one product so it just would have looked strange. Anyway the month is over and we are already 1/12th into 2015. WHAT THE HELL?! It feels like I just put up my new year resolutions and now I am writing my favourites. It’s crazy.

Due to being ill most of the month and the sudden cold weather that has hit us, baths have been my go to warm up and relax saviour. Luckily I got a lush bath bomb for Christmas which has been making bath times even nicer. I find baths a great time to just sit back and read a book, which brings me into my second favourite.

I love reading but never have the time to properly sit down and read so when I have a bath I always take a book with me. For some reason I really went off watching youtube videos and TV this month, even netflix, which is weird, and have been reading a lot more before bed. Hence the multiple book reviews. I also read Dr Faustus in this time but I don’t know if I am going to review it or not yet.

Gossip Girl
I know I’m late on this one and Blake Lively has had a baby but I have been obsessed. The times that I am in the mood to watch something the majority of the time it will be Gossip Girl. I am hooked can I have a relationship like Blair and Chuck please? Is that too much to ask?

Most nights now just before bed I have been doing yoga and I’m finding it really enjoyable. Except for planks, I hate them! I’m not going to lie I wouldn’t say it relaxes me as such but it definitely helps me breathe better and has made me feel so much better once i've done it.

Green tea
To try and be healthier I have switched my normal PG tea for green tea and honey and although it is not the same I am really enjoying it. I do think it tastes like a healthier alternative but seeing as it is I’m not surprised, but it does taste good which is always a bonus.

That’s it for this month. Not many favourites but being back at school and then becoming really ill all I’ve really done is sleep and work. The joys of teenage life!

Talk to you later x 

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