
I'm just going to get it out there, Wednesday was the longest and most pointless day for me. This was meant to go up yesterday but by the time I got home I was not capable of writing this, my bed was calling and way too loud.

The day started like any other normal Wednesday with me having to get up at 8 am and get ready for school. Nothing much happened, some how i've dislocated my jaw which makes it almost impossible to eat either at all or normally meaning breakfast consisted of me waiting for my cereal to go soggy, not the best but hey it could be worse.

First period was Applied Business Studies and as one of my friends was away ill, although I don't consider losing your voice as being ill, I invited her partner to join my side of the room. Of course I am happy this meant she wouldn't be on her own nor would she have a boring lesson, its just not easy to do work when there are conversations either side of you that I was too lazy to take my headphones out and join in, even when I was invited, yes I am that anti sociable. Don't get me wrong its not like I was ignoring them but sometimes the dork just wants to get the work done.

This was followed by work. I don't normally work on a Wednesday, I don't remember the last time that I worked on a Wednesday and somehow me asking a question got me dragged into doing work. Probably my fault but either way the 20 minutes of complaining I had to listen to after about the other employee not turning up was not my fault and although I've been telling my boss to fire him for ages it was not expected.

Two free periods was the next part of my day and trust me I do think the German exchange student that has come down to visit us again is hot, like really hot, but unlike all the other girls I don't see how drooling all over him is going to help him feel welcome again. So instead I went to the computers with a bestie and tried to do some work. I say tried as the only computers that were free were those that were in direct sunlight meaning you had to wink to do any work plus they were right next to the radiators meaning you felt yourself burning although it was probably 3 degree's outside. Yet this didn't last long as I ended up walking to the shop, although I work in the school cafe, to buy two peoples lunch for them. How do I get myself in these situations? I had to walk on my own as well which is probably only 10 minutes either way but still it isn't that nice on your own nor when you need to go there yourself. Don't think I am a pushover I needed to get out of that room and was happy to go.

Yet again I was working Lunch to spend most of it hiding in the corner as I didn't want to join in with the conversation my boss was having with his mates the other side of the room. Not the best 45 minutes. This was followed with me then having to take the food back before my lesson. Yet agin, not my working day, not my job. WHAT THE HELL?! Thank god for last period, Travel and Tourism, a lesson I could sit back and relax in. Without sounding smug or big headed, being the furthest ahead in the class does sometimes have its advantages.

Just when I thought the day was getting easier I had an eye brow wax. This doesn't stress me out as i've had it done so many times before and I know the lady who does it really well but my appointment was at half three and I had to be back at school for work at 4. Not impossible but as they have a reputation of not being the best at time keeping so I practically ran to the appointment. Much to my surprise I got there 15 minutes before my appointment and was out the door two minutes later as there was no-one in the salon. Perfect.

I don't normally work after school, it was a last minute agreement as my school was having an open evening and they wanted my cafe to be open to serve the parents hot drinks. This would be fine if they told me I would have people helping me before I got there, set it up and then did nothing for ages waiting for people, when the girls I was working with, luckily were two of my friends were sat in the room behind me waiting for me to find them to tell them what they need to do. Not a great start. The night went awful. We were told it started at four and we were all prepared for people to come in at four, what we weren't expecting was for the cleaners to come in 15 minutes later ask to use out tap for water and then turn all the lights off. Being the good 'boss' I went to investigate what was happening. Luckily one of my teachers was still around to ensure me that it started at half four instead and that they had the times wrong. Not a problem we could wait, so instead the two girls continued to force feed me food that was rock solid causing me to want to to cut my jaw open so I didn't have to suck the Yorkie bar like an idiot. By the time it was half 5pm we were starting to worry, we had already googled new hair styles for us all, talked about boys and intimacy and discussed pug cupcakes. We were getting paid to do nothing. Brilliant.

Then we had our first customers A mother and daughter lost and asking for directions, that we didn't know of. They must have been really lost as we were upstairs in a building with all the lights off and had no sign. Yet they managed to sign the whole bloody school but not where the refreshments were, the one place that the school was paying people to be. Well done school, you messed up yet again. Just when we thought we were getting away with it they brought back some friends for drinks...and then a load of students.

I forgot how much I hate the other years till you have to serve them. To put a long complainy (is that a word) story short, we ran out of plastic spoons and had to start cleaning them and reusing them, we had to take the chocolate shaker off them as it got way too messy and out of hand, quite literally, and the sugar that was topped up when we started had to be topped up again. From dead silent to super packed, we were ready to kill the boy that kept coming up and asking for more chocolate although we kept saying no. Eugh why don't younger years listen. Thank god for the peace of quiet we got after this. We took this as our moment to leave seeing as we had by this point worked an extra hour then they told us to due to having so many people come, all sadly being children, and cleaned the shop and ran away, yet just before we could do this more people came, so with a half closed shop we served the last remaining people and ran. Quite literally for one of the girls who was late home.

Just when I thought I could go home and relax I had to do just over a 30 minute walk in the dark whilst hungry and in pain. 'Its only Wednesday' kept going through my head as I walked home glaring at anyone who would look my way. When I finally got home and thought I could sit back and relax I had to rush to my neighbors as I forgot my key. Of course today was they day I had to forget. After dodging a daddy long legs four times that was creeping on my front door, as I then had to get my tea from the garage and then prepare I was ready to kick back and relax...just as my mum came through the door and wanted to talk about her day. I love my mum and hearing about her day but seriously. Its only Wednesday, give me a break!

On the plus side today was still crazy but less crazy, but in a good way luckily!

Talk to you later x

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