To the boys I had a meeting with today...
Today's post was meant to be the potentially last blog post about Greece but after a pointless health and safety meeting I had to sit through today I need to do a rant!! If you follow me on twitter then you will know most of this already but here we go on the story of the day I realised more boys need to be feminists.
Due to doing an apprenticeship it means I have to go on certain courses to complete this, even if it has hardly anything to do with job role. Due to only finding out the day before that I was actually on this course so had no idea what time I actually had to be there. This lead to me casually waiting in the reception area for 45 minutes on my own debating whether the course was actually real, if I was at the right place or if I was going to be the only one on the course. Oh how I wish I was!
Annoyingly another girl turned up...but then left. I really was stuck on my own the whole time I was there (8:20 - 12)!
Once it was finally 9am I was taken to the room where everybody (6 boys) were waiting.
One of the first things one of the boys said to me, i'm going to call him asshole, was if I was doing a hairdressing course. Of course, i'm a girl so I had to be doing something beauty related! I don't know how they would have reacted if I said that I was doing a building related apprenticeship but instead I told them business admin, which resulted in smirks and weird looks to each other, and carried on staring at the wall counting down the hours till I could leave and go to work.
Once the 'teacher' finally started the course we were split into groups and had to write what we thought health and safety meant. After the boys talked about how bad their hand writing is it was decided that I would be doing the writing, and by the look of things all the work as well. I didn't even mind doing all the work but what I wasn't okay with was the asshole making a comment on girls always taking it seriously and doing the work. Hey asshole yeah I am going to take it seriously and do the work as I don't want to do this stupid course again and meet more dicks like you if all the work I produce for them is wrong.
The fact that the rest of the course was going to be so easy and obvious that you kept getting the feeling that they were asking trick questions really made me wish I considered uni more! (I'm joking Aaron)!
Following this we had to walk around one of the construction sites, draw the area and mark all the health and safety points. Such a waste of time seeing as it wasn't going to be assessed and I don't work on a construction site. Cause the teacher didn't care and just let us get back to our room on our way, somehow I got surrounded by the boys with the asshole asking me if I should even be here and shouldn't I be sat at my computer right now, whilst walking away and laughing. Hey asshole, yes I should be. I should be back at work earning money and enjoying myself instead of dealing with someone who can't even be bothered to draw a square for a room and doesn't even know what its like to be in a work placement. His words not mine.
As if it wasn't bad enough that this women of a teacher wasn't doing anything to stop making me feel uncomfortable from the boys or even trying to get them to co-operate, she even came out with sentences like 'you will know that it's burning cause it will smell like fish.' I'm sorry what? Since when did burning smell like fish?
Just to top the day off for some reason the conversation turned from stress to pregnancy which of course lead to comments about how finding out your pregnant whilst being a boy would make you stressed. For some reason one of the few nice boys of the group made a comment about knowing what its like (I have no idea what he was on about and I don't think I want to) leading to asshole wanting to find out exactly who said this and why. Of course the normal thing to do would be to ignore it, remember that we had 20 minutes left and move on but no instead he asked who said it leading to his friend saying 'must have been the girl.'
1. The girl has a name, use it.
2. I haven't said anything all day, why would I have randomly said something about getting pregnant?
3. Why MUST it have been me?
I don't think I've ever wanted to shove my feminist views into a group of boys faces as much as that stupid training course.
Did I learn anything new?
Did it make me hate people even more?
So for any reason that those boys, especially asshole, have managed to find my blog and is reading this I have something to say to you...
Making jokes about girls isn't going to impress anyone, especially not a girl and if she's called you out on it the first time like I did, don't try again and again especially when the teacher isn't looking. It doesn't make a manly, clever or funny. It makes you weak that you can't say it loud enough for everyone to hear and the fact that you couldn't say it again when I asked you to repeat what you said although everyone around us knows exactly what rubbish came out of your mouth just backs this up more.
People like you are the reason we need feminism.
Educate yourself and grow up cause you aren't impressing anyone.
Rant over.
Talk to you later x
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