Lena Dunham Not That Kind Of Girl Book Review
Lena really doesn't hold back and although I agree the topics that she discusses needs to be talked about there was definitely times were you are reading through your fingers trying to believe that you just read what you did as you could never imagine having that conversation with someone, let alone read it in a celebrities book. That is a big reason why I liked the book so much. Lena obviously knew that her fans would buy the book but she also knew that those who would work with her could also read it and I love the 'this is my life, this is how I think and how I am programmed deal with it' but in an awkward almost stereotypical British way. There are not a lot of people, let alone celebrities, that would be so open about their sex lives and the way the view their body but Lena does it in a way that's somehow relatable but hilarious all at the same time.
I do feel the need to say that there is a LOT of sex talk and you will read vagina so often you will question if its a real word anymore. But with this comes some deep and personal messages that stick with you for a while and really does make you think about a range of different things. I always looked back onto how I dealt with situations compared to Lena and it was nice to see what we did that was similar, it helped make those moments in your life feel a bit more normal. The book is almost like talking to a big sister (or reading her diary in a way) with the areas discussed and the way that the topics are talked about. These topics include falling in love, summer camp, girl crushes, therapy and what she has learnt from her parents.
Overall I have found a new love for Lena Dunham and can not wait to see what else she produces and creates with her odd but magical mind. Would highly recommend to anyone who wants a feel good comedy read.
Have you read Not That Kind Of Girl? What did you think?
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