Million Dollar Moisturiser Review

I’ve said it on my blog before, I don’t like giving bad reviews as it could just be that it wasn’t to my taste or just wasn’t for me but after multiple family members have used the moisturiser and had the same problem, I can safely say its not just me that doesn’t like this product.

I love Lush products and when my mum got the Million Dollar Moisturiser as part of her Christmas present I knew I had to try it. I’ve never tried any of their skin care products before but I did have high expectations, sadly this moisturiser didn’t match it.

It has a very strong scent that I can’t identify no matter how much you smell it. The website says that its creamy almond, sesame seed and oatmeal. Personally I don’t like it and feel that it does linger on your skin.

With this the texture is very weird, it’s quite squidgy making it difficult to pick any up. Yet when you do its really difficult to blend on your skin. As it’s just a sample size I feel to get the most to cover your face you have to use half of the sample. The amount that I did manage to get on my skin was difficult to blend and once it was blended it started to peel off instantly making it difficult to add makeup on top. Like a normal person I swiped the peeled moisturiser off my face it just created more of it to peel making the whole procedure pointless.

The only bits that stayed on my skin felt thick and uncomfortable and just led me cleansing my face to get rid of it and start again.

Overall I found it a bad moisturiser but maybe if you had oily skin then it would work better.
Has anyone else experienced this?

Talk to you later x 

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