Adorkable Book Review

Welcome to the dorkside. It's going to be a bumpy ride...

Jeane Smith's a blogger, a dreamer, a dare-to-dreamer, a jumble sale queen, CEO of her own lifestyle brand and has half a million followers on twitter.

Michael Lee's a star of school, stage and playing field. A golden boy in a Jack Wills hoodie.

They have nothing in common but a pair of cheating exes. So why can't they stop snogging?

The emotions I had when reading this book, and yes I know I say that a lot but this one really had me. All I can say is be prepared for the book to get damaged quickly!

Adorkable is based around a blogger girl who is known for being different and independent. She's more of an inspirational role model then a fashion model (well to some I guess she could be...I do like the free spirit she has with it) and her 'relationship' with the 'hottest' kid in school. 

Now I know what you are thinking, they weren't meant to get together but they do and it's perfect and everyone learns that it's okay to mingle and be different. But no. 

 We have nothing to declare but our dorkiness.

In some ways they do get together but at no point is it seen as they are meant to be together and that's what I love about it!
There are times that you will hate what they have and other times you will think they are literal relationship goals! 

Similarly there are times that I adore Jeane and other times I want to slap her for being so up her own ass that she can't think straight. Saying that tho, I would love to be in Jeanes life position.  
At the same time, as much as I turned out to love Michael he can be sometimes a typical douche boy that is seen so often in novels and films that get the 'good' girl but he is still so lovely and caring. 

Because, when everything else is gone, all we're left with is our imaginations.

This book has literally made me scream and cry, laugh and groan (not sexually!) and that's what makes it so perfect. Although it's inevitable that they get together at no point is it predictable on what's going to happen next or when they will get together/break up. 
It's unrealistic and yet so realistic at the same time. 

There are sex scenes and rude language so I recommend being o an age that this doesn't offend you but other then that I don't see why anyone couldn't read it!

I highly recommend it and it's one of my new favourite books. Especially as I relate to Jeanes haribo addiction!

I was rolling my eyes so hard that I was sure one of my retinas had just detached itself.

Talk to you later x

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