Tips on how to deal with not getting the job

Oh the joys of dealing with the after-mass that comes from not getting a job. Many people I know, myself included, are currently looking for apprenticeships to go into once they have finished their exams. This means filling out way too much paper work and going for job interviews. For those who are lucky and get the job, congrats...why are you reading this post? For those who may not have been so lucky, here are my tips on moving on and making the most of the situation:

  • Breathe - You can't get everything 
  • Get feedback - Find out what the interviewer said about you and take it as positive criticism. It allows you to see what you need to work on to help you get the next job
  • Don't take it personally - You won't be the only one that didn't get the job
  • Keep looking - There is no point in waiting till you forget about the whole experience as then you will never get a different job
  • Move on - Similarly with what was just stated, dwelling on it is just going to put you in a bad mood and could prevent you from advancing. Brush it off, it can hurt but its something that happens to everybody
  • See it in a positive light - They would have accepted you if you were the right person for the job, you clearly weren't which means it wasn't the job for you. In one way they are helping you
  • Treat yourself - The activity you were going to do for getting the job, or the gift you were going to get yourself, do it/get it anyway. You just went through that experience you might as well get something from it. 
I know it's such a cliche thing to say but see it as a learning curve. It's experience at the end of the day and you can never have enough experience. 

Good luck!
Talk to you later x 

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