14 Things I Love About Myself

Its Valentines Day, the day of love. This year I have decided that today will be focusing on my love for myself because at the end of the day, I am the most important person in my life. So here are the 14 things I love about myself, would love to know what you love about yourself.

1. My eyes 
2. I like to help people and desire to do so everyday 
3. I am a good friend 
4. I strive on being myself and not letting anyone change me 
5. My hair 
6. I am creative 
7. My wide range of interests that always gives me something to talk about
8. I ability to bring myself out of a tough situation 
9. I am alive, functioning and able 
10. I always respectable 
11. I always try and challenge society and fight for what’s right 
12. My laugh is loud but always around 
13. I’ve survived multiple situations that would break most people 
14. The way I can love myself 


Talk to you later x

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