12 Ways To Fill Up Notebooks

I am a big stationary lover but this does mean I often have more notebooks then I really need. This got me thinking, instead of throwing the notebooks I don't use away, how can I fill them. So if you are like me who has more notebooks then sense, here are 12 (random number I know) ways to fill up notebooks without wasting them.

  1. Bullet Journal
  2. Recipes book
  3. Gratitude log
  4. To do lists
  5. Exercise and Food log
  6. Generic journal or diary
  7. Travel journal
  8. Black book - A place to rant and list the things that have been getting you down
  9. Art journal
  10. Shopping lists
  11. Poetry or creative writing outlet
  12. Blog or life planner
What ways do you fill up your notebooks?

Talk to you later x

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