Why I Love To Meditate And Recommend It To Everyone

How cute are these!!

I love to meditate and try to do it everyday when possible. When I say this to people if often leads to strange looks and people wondering how I could spend so long just sat there thinking of nothing which just baffles me. Due to this, I decided it was time to make a post on why I love to meditate.

I know meditation wont be everyone's thing and a lot of people just see it as the new health trend going around but personally I have found that meditation has helped me in a lot of ways. I used to be struggle to get to sleep because I like to work in the evenings which meant my mind was always racing. When this became the case I then started doing just a two minute guided meditation. I am not saying that I then feel asleep straight away but it definitely helped me to get in the mind set of going to sleep and stopped my mind from wandering. Similarly, if I woke up in the morning and was groggy or just had a feeling that it was going to be a bad day I would go a 'Gratitude' or 'Wake up' guided meditation to help change that mind set and start my day more positive. I am not saying everyone will be like this but no harm in trying, especially as they only lasted around 5 minutes.

One of the best things I have learnt from meditation is that it doesn't need to be a long experience to be effective. When I get stressed at work other then counting to 10 I will not take a few seconds to simply focus on my breaking and nothing else. This gives my mind time to focus on one thing and allows you to restart again once you go back to working. Even doing this for half a minute has really helped me get my focus back and reduce my stress levels. I just wished I knew this during my GCSE's and A-Levels.

An 'out of body experience' is not something I have ever experiences but I know a couple of people who have had this through meditation and although on some occasions the experiences have just been random they have also had times that they have been taken back to a past experience but seen it from a different point of view, such as looking down on them or facing them so they are able to see what was going on behind them. Most of the time these experiences took them back to situations where an event happened but they are not sure how or why. These experiences helped them get 'solve' these queries which to me is ridiculously cool.

For those who are still sceptical or not sure here are a few benefits to meditation:
  • Reduce in stress
  • Helps to get a healthier body
  • Improves concentration
  • Reduces depression and anxiety
  • Increases happiness
  • Slows down aging

After all this I am not saying those who don't meditate need to rethink everything and that everyone must start doing this now but if you struggle to sleep or want a new way to relax and focus your mind, I would highly recommend it.

Do you meditate?

Talk to you later x


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