What I did in Tenerife
Tenerife has always been one of those places I've wanted to go to but never high on my list until I saw how cheap it was to go to, thanks driving lessons for taking all my money. I always sad Tenerife as an island to visit if you just want to sit at the beach or pool all day and relax, not that there was anything wrong with that but isn't my idea of a perfect holiday. Luckily Tenerife surprised me and had a lot more to offer, such as:
Submarine Safari
One of 15 commercial submarines that takes its passengers 30m below sea level, the maximum they can go with passengers being 60m, to see the local fish to the area, sharks and sting rays which they encouraged to the windows of the submarine by tickling them.
The submarine is quiet possibly my favourite activity that we did due to the uniqueness and the fact we got to see sting rays really close. Would highly recommend for all ages and group types.
Freebird 4.5 Boat Trip
The 4.5 boat trip allows you to admire the south to west cost of the Tenerife island whilst listening to the same songs on repeat until you go insane or decide to listen to your own music. You do get to stop half way through the trip to get out and swim but you were given about 15 minutes to do this and you spent most of this waiting to get off the boat and then back on again. With this you are guaranteed to see whales and dolphins, they even say if you do not see any during your trip you can go back the next day free of charge.
The boat trip was my least favourite as we had to stay inside due to there not being enough room outside and although the scenery was spectacular, we were just slightly to far away to make the most of it. On the plus side we did get to see dolphins and whales who swam next to the boat and on many occasions nearly into. A nice relaxing trip that would have been better near the end of the holiday.
Half day trip and cable car experience up Teide volcano
The half day trip involved driving up the volcano, exploring the craters with multiple stops allowing you to get out of the coach and take pictures. The coach takes you basically to the door of the cable cars taking you up as close to the peak as possible and stopping at the sea of clouds. The volcano is 3718m making it the highest point in Spain and the highest point above sea level in the islands of Atlantic.
Loved this day, even if we did have to get up at 6 just to make sure we got there on time. I absolutely loved this day as I have always wanted to go up a volcano without having to spend the whole day climbing it cause I'm super lazy like that. But anyway, I now know what people mean when they say 'I will never get over or forget the view' because the views were stunning, the pictures just don't give it any justice.
Siam Park
Siam Park was very highly recommended to me and I can see why. The park has been awarded the best water park in the world (2015 Travellers Choice) along with being the first green water park and home to the largest man-made wave at 3.3m.
I enjoy water parks and I did like Siam Park but unfortunately the fact that the first ride we went on I ended up going backwards and my handles broke really put me off some of the rides. A shame but there were plenty on other rides that made the day a good one. Especially the lazy river if you ask to go up to the mini water slide they have attached, a nice twist to a lazy river. Or in my case a lazy river that my boyfriend kept wanting to turn into the speedy river due to him not liking the idea of anyone over taking us.
So that's the four main day trips we had in Tenerife, we did go to the beach another day and a market as well but these four were the highlights for me.
Have you been to Tenerife? What did you do?
Talk to you later x
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