5 Ways I Have Failed This Month

I read a blog post earlier this month, unfortunately I am unable to find it again now) on how the individual had failed that week. It got me thinking that I haven't really had a successful month and thought I would make my own blog post. So without and further blabbering this is how I have failed this month

1. Left getting my Halloween costume 2 weeks before Halloween although I've had it saved on my wish list for months

2. Finished my last blog post on 'What I did in Tenerife' although I only had to add pictures - that blog post was meant to be published 3 weeks ago

3. Simply write blog posts. I've made multiple growing lists about the posts I've needed to write and wrote them multiple times in my head. Really need to stop procrastinating.

4. Texting people back. To anyone who has text me recently, my biggest apologies.

5. Going to the gym. I think since the start of the month I have been to the gym twice..maybe three times?

So that is the 5 ways I have failed this month. Lets see how next month goes...

Talk to you later x

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