Christmas then and now

Don't get me wrong I do like Christmas but it's never going to be as good as it was as a a child. Due to that I decided to do a Christmas then and now post to show the difference I have noticed since being a teenager. 


As a child I'm sure I wasn't the only one who would get the nearest catalogue and mark EVERYTHING that looked good no matter what the price and every advert had to be showed to my parents so they knew all the new 'cool' toys. 

Now as a teenager a wish list is mainly created by me sending around 5 pictures of me with a few things with the 'any of these will be very appreciated'. 


Sacks and bags full of presents, toys and chocolate but hell would freeze over if I got clothes, especially socks and pants as they would be thanked for (I was raised with manners) and put back in my stocking till they were needed. 

As a teenager I get super excited when I see that I have a stocking full as I know then that I have been proper spoilt, and who doesn't like being spoilt yet I always feel guilty knowing how much money and effort my parents have spent. Also am I the only one who thinks clothes are now the best presents?!


There was never such thing as too early for Christmas songs when I was a child, they had to be played all the time and singing quietly was not an option, it was loud or not at all. 

The fact that I have now noticed that they play Christmas songs before Halloween really annoys me. Christmas songs should only be played at Christmas, just me who thinks that?


Christmas time when in primary school was always so much better. You did a Christmas play, lessons involved Christmas objects, the younger you are the more crafts you did and the last week was always filled with films and games to help you get in the Christmas spirit. 

Secondary school is completely different, you may get those teachers who would put a film on during the last day but if you went to a school like mine you had to work till the last day with teachers who clearly were Scrooges with how moody they would get, oh how I am glad I am no longer there!


As a child Christmas Eve always involved making sure I got the best sticking out of the three children and dragging the boys and dad upstairs so he could read The Night Before Christmas to us. This was followed by me being too excited to sleep and my parents having to do everything for me to calm down and sleep, often my brother and I were allowed to open one present early. 

I'm not going to lie I still get slightly excited but now the book is read by me to myself as I am always the last one to bed, some traditions don't die, they just get edited. 


Christmas Day started early for me and my 3am sometimes (yet again only one present again this early) around 5ish my middle brother would come wake me up or vies versa, attach the eldest brother and drag him into my parents room to show them what Santa got us. This was followed by us then going to my auntie and uncles room to show them what we got as well...everyone had a really early start Christmas Day. 

Christmas morning now starts around 8-9 where we all wait until the last person is down to open presents before Christmas dinner starts being prepared for, a lot more sleep and calm now!!


Soooo much chocolate was digested as a child. 

Oh who am I kidding, even more chocolate is engulfed by me now!!

Anyone else agree?
If you can think of any more do let me know. 

Talk to you later and have a great Christmas x


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