Healthy Flapjack Recipe

Due to it being National Cake Week it only seemed fitting to show my latest baking creation, and this one wasn't a fail!!

I love flapjacks and due to being in a baking mood but still wanted something guilt free I knew I had to make them. The best thing about flapjacks is due to so little ingredients being needed you can experiment so much by just adjusting the measurements of the main ingredients but still create what can be considered a flapjack. This guilt free snack can turn very guilty very quickly.


6 oz butter
6 oz golden syrup or honey (I used orange honey to add more flavouring)
6 oz brown sugar
4 oz sultanas
8 oz oats


1. Preheat the oven on a high temperature (300F) and line a large pan with grease proof paper

2. Melt the butter, sugar and syrup together over medium heat until the sugar has dissolved

3. Move from the heat and mix with the dry ingredients of your choice

4. Bake for 30-40 minutes or until golden brown.

5. Decorate to your hearts delight

That's it! So simple and so tasty.

What would you add?

Talk to you later x

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