An Autumnal Indie/Grunge Affair

These pictures were taken a while back when my parents and I decided to go on an adventure and found this cute little place. 

We've already said we will go back so more pictures will take place and maybe a whole blog post?

This was an outfit I always had in my head that never really went anywhere but now that I've done it once I am defiantly going to have to do it again and again!!

Very indie grunge and very me. I always feel really concious in this hat and I don't know why. Maybe I'm just not confident enough to pull it off yet...

I am looking way too forward to the colder weather so I can wear more outfits like this. Where I am it's still kinda hot so thick jumpers and scarfs are a no go. Can Autumn hurry up please?!

Hat - h&m
Dress - Newlook
Cardigan - ASOS
Creepers - Phix
Necklace - Newlook

Talk to you later x 

P.s thank you mother for having a quick lesson in OOTD posts and taking some of these!!


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