Updates and a return

Hello, it's me
I was wondering if after all these months you'd like to reconnect
To go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal ya
But I ain't done much healing

Sorry had to be done!

Hello again, long time no speak...type...etc!
A very much needed blogging break had to take place but i'm back and ready to give it another try. Don't get me wrong, I am still not going to be a great blogger. I will never be famous for it but my life is about to pick up and I want to be able to make a note of these changes that aren't just in my minion journal. Yes I have a minion journal, I refuse to admit I am an adult yet!

Since we have last had a catch up I got a summer job working at a theme park, made some amazing friends and been on some great adventures but, also had some of the lowest lows. I was abused, forced to quit my job (I got it back two days later it was all good) lost multiple friends, made a few enemies and had my mental health hit an all new low along with dealing with a not so great relationship that only led to heartbreak.

On the plus side, I did make many more friends who are here to stay. Went camping for the first and potentially last time, met the newest love of my life, made a new sister, eat most of the vegan food in Exeter and been on so many day trips I've lost count.

Yes this year didn't go as planned. I haven't moved abroad and I am still batteling with my allergies and IBS and my Heath and Mindfulness coaching career has not even slightly taken off yet. BUT! That all being said, I wouldn't change a thing. I wanted a year where I just got to do what I wanted. I wanted to learn and grow and although the lessons learnt and adventures taken were not even slightly what I expected, that just made it 10x better. It's taught me I can't live my life to a strict routine, I have to work hard to get what I want and life sometimes is just a bitch...but that's okay.

Moving onto blogging, I was getting bored of trying to fit into one category and writing about what I thought people may be interested in and not what I wanted to share. Yes I love reading but I hate writing book reviews as I just don't feel that I am very skilled at doing that and I will never be good at taking 'blog appropriate flatlays' meaning I was always unhappy with the posts I was publishing. Due to this, LottieMeg is getting revamped. Like most people I am trying really hard to live more sustainability, mindfully and for me. So that's what I am going to write about, things that actually matter to me and what I feel needs sharing or may be helpful, instead of what I assumed people wanted. I love journaling, so why not share some of my favourite or relatable ones with the world? Not for peoples opinions but to hopefully help at least one person.

Thank you for everyone who has supported LottieMeg all this time, crazy to think about how old this blog actually is now, and for those who come and continue to support. Hopefully the new posts will inspire others and my love for blogging returns again.

Until then, thank you for making it through this long rambling posts and I will speak to you soon.

Bye x


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