My Apprenticship Experience

After my last blog (here) it only seemed fitting to talk about my apprenticeship experience, I would state the name of the company I went ahead with for those UK readers who many want to use them but as you will soon see from my mainly positive reviews and the fact I am doing my NVQ Level 4 with them currently, it might be best to save that until I have completely finished with them.

For me university was always a second option, it was always something I felt I needed to do more then wanted to do. The only real reason I looked into university's and started applying was because I found a great Human Geography course that actually excited me, plus one of my best friends was applying for the same uni. When I failed miserably as Geography and dropped it for my second year of A-levels I looked for some alternative options. My second choice (and now I've done it I wish I listened to mu mum sooner and made it my first choice) was to do Business Studies. I loved studying business at school, with Geography they were actually my strongest subjects along with being my favourite, just a shame I couldn't show this in my geography exam!

As explained in my last post I was more forced then encouraged to still apply for university and yes I did get into my favourite choice to study Business Studies I still wasn't 100% convinced. With this my best friend and I made it our mission to see what alternative routes there were. Career and future learning exhibitions are really popular during Easter when people will be making their decision, going to this really made me realise that maybe experience before university would work better for me. I took multiple business cards and put my name down for all the good looking apprenticeship schemes I could find and hoped for the best. In my head a year of working and then going to university seemed perfect, oh how things can change.

I had two main companies actually get back to me, although another did come back a few months later after I emailed them which 100% put me off using them. The first company I went with, lets call them YT seemed perfect, they asked me to fill out all my details in regards to what I was looking for and then they would send me new apprenticeship opportunities they felt matched what I was looking for. I though this would be great, until it took them almost a month to get back to me to inform me that I would then need to do a phone interview so they can get more information. The day came and no phone call took place, I knew it was that day as I was emailing my interviewer a few hours before hand to get some last minute information. I waited half an hour and still nothing. Very confused I called them to ask what was going on, only to have a VERY rude interviewer tell me that I had to call her and that it's my fault I missed this opportunity cause I didn't see that in the email. Even when I informed the lady I was looking at my emails and there was nothing saying that, apologised and asked when I could redo the interview she informed me that I was a liar, she didn't want to deal with me today and I had to call her again tomorrow. After that phone call it still makes me wonder today why I did call back and go ahead with the interview even though they asked me all the same questions I already provided to them. This was followed with weeks of no-one getting in touch and jobs that didn't suit what I was looking for being sent to me I had enough. When I informed them this wasn't what I was looking for I might as well have killed a kitten in front of them. I am sure you have guessed that my relationship with YT went very down hill after that I went to other businesses. To this day I still have them emailing me with opportunities that don't match what I am looking for and emails asking why I never used them, maybe I should get back to them in regard to the latter...

After that incredible experience I decided to use SG, a more local based company who I had heard better reviews of. Why I didn't start with this company I have no idea. An interview was arranged and my new account manger took me under her wing explaining everything that would take place, the training that may be needed, what to do during an interview and how to get in touch and who to get in touch with in regards to different areas. This seemed perfect and I started sending them links to the jobs on their website I liked to look off. This paid of as I was then sent on my first interview. The interview went well but unfortunately the job was not mine, which was fine, if I was told when SG found out but unfortunately my original account manager left the business without informing me on who my new account manager was or that I wasn't getting the job. Panic sunk in, my exams were coming up and I had nothing to do after them. I called SG and luckily plenty more opportunities were still in their pipe line for me.

My next interview, which I got offered the day after I applied clearly went well as they gave me the job an hour after the interview! I applied and started a month after my exams finished. SG was perfect throughout; I got regular visits, they were easy to get hold of through email, the work was explained thoroughly and extra training was available when needed.
The only problem I did have with SG was their external training they made me do. Every apprentice with SG must have the right English, Maths and ICT skills, Health and Safety in the Work Place and First Aid, all of this training was provided by them to help the apprentices to get further with their process. The only external training I needed was Heath and Safety in the Work Place, held by one of their teachers in their on site 'classrooms', and I use the term teacher loosely. I was told the wrong time for the training which meant I was there an hour early but I was also then taken to the room late meaning I missed the opportunity to not sit in the middle of a group of boys. I was the only girl in the room and the only one who seemed to have done their own work. The boys just kicked off until the teacher told them the answer or did it for them and did nothing to stop them being gobby and just rude, but more on that here.

Moving on to the main point of the post, my overall actual apprenticeship experience has been great, both the company I currently work for and SG are group business to work with, even with their minor flaws, and I can't think of anything worse now then going to university as I will never have learnt the skills and grown as a person as much as I have through my apprenticeship. I enjoyed it so much I am now doing my level 4 NVQ, wish me luck!

Talk to you later x

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