So you don't want to go to uni
This week sixth form students around the UK got their A-level results and as someone who has gone past their school days, knowing all the time and stress it took, I hope everyone did well and got the results they needed/wanted.
For those who may not have done as well as they hoped or simply don't want to go to university or unsure if they want to defer as they don't want to go straight into studying but don't want to do nothing, this is the post for you.
When I was doing my A-levels my school was unfortunately 'aggressive' with trying to get people to apply for university even if you made it very clear that going to uni just wasn't what you wanted to do. Don't get me wrong they were VERY helpful for those who did want to go and helped them through the application process and there were a few lucky one who got away with not applying, how I don't know, but there was a small portion of us who weren't that lucky.
I sadly had to deal with the teachers who thought that doing an apprenticeship would be a waste of time (more on this later and in a future blog post) and that if I didn't apply for university then I would never be able to do it again due to the little support they would then give me. The fact they actually said this to me, although at the time didn't impact me has really made me realise how much of a tick box, money suckers schools are. Due to not being able to convince the teachers that I simply did not want to go and that doing an apprenticeship is what I feel would be the best option I was still sadly forced into paying the money and applying for university. Good thing I worked in the school café and took enough free food to make up for the money forced out of me.
Moving on from my awful experience, I hope no-one else had the same, there are multiple different alternatives to going to university or simply good ways at spending your gap year.
Apprenticeship/Intern - Doing an apprenticeship or internship depending on the length you chose to do is a great way of getting a 'real job' experience without a degree, high responsibility or extensive training needed. A whole blog post will be dedicated to my apprenticeship experience soon but spoiler, I couldn't recommend it enough if you are not sure what you want to do and don't want to go to university yet or ever.
Develop your skills - Not sure if this is the apprenticeship mind talking (I am writing this post in-between doing assignments) or if I have just become very sensible but developing your skills, such as through online courses (I highly recommend future learn) or training days is a great way of getting ahead of other people in your situation for both uni and job opportunities. Other then talking about my volunteering experiences during interviews the fact I have First Aid Training and not through work really shocks them and always seems to go down well.
Work abroad - Working abroad gives you so many new skills, you are able to show you are independent, willing to take risks, able to step out of your comfort zone and most importantly able to show that during your free time you are willing to learn new skills and make the most of doing what they assume everyone loves, isn't that what every manager and university wants to hear. With this you also get to meet a wide range of new people and travel, who doesn't want that?
Travel - What I am sure everyone has planned or wants to spend their gap year. Its a great way to take a break between studying and simply traveling the world. STA Travel is a great way due to their discounts and vast amount tours they provide to meet every ones needs.
So those were my top picks for those who don't want to go to university, deferring a year or simply don't know how to successfully take a gap year. I hope this helps and you discover your true path, everything will work out in the end, things just take a little bit of time so don't let anyone rush you and remember you can always do something else if you don't like what you are doing.
Talk to you later x
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