Things people with anxiety are sick of hearing

1. 'You are going to have to get over it sometime/ stop being ridiculous' - do you really think I would purposely act and feel like this if I could help it? 

2. 'Why are you anxious, you don't need to be anxious about me' - It doesn't matter if you were my boyfriend, best friend or family member, I can't control when I am anxious so please don't take it personally 

3. 'It's only in your head, it's not like it's a physical injury' - I have been sent to the hospital, came up in rashes and been so anxious I haven't realised I've made myself bleed, just cause you can't see damage doesn't mean it isn't there 

4. 'You are just doing it for attention, everyone has anxiety now' - that's because more people have anxiety and there is now more help to get this so more people are being honest about it. You should be happy that they have opened up to you about it 

5. 'It's not a big deal, get over it' - to you it may not be but to me this is terrifying and I would rather be anywhere else right now. 

Lastly, DO NOT ever, under no circumstances judge or make a comment on the little habits they undergo to make themselves feel better. I've had so many people point my little habits out and all it does is make me feel judged and more worried. I've even had to control what I do when I'm anxious so people don't pick up on it, just don't do it. 

This post hasn't been created for a certain person or to make people feel uncomfortable or guilty and everyone with anxiety will deal with things differently. I have simply created this post as I have seen similar articles and posts and decided to make my own to help those who may need it. 

Talk to you later x

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