My Lifestyle Change

It's body positive week and I've decided to have a good think about how I want to view myself and look after my body. You read everywhere that everybody is beautiful and confidence is the best feature anybody can have yet you look round the corner and all you can see is all the latest diets we HAVE to try otherwise we will never be perfect. 

Due this this I have decided that the best way to be confident is to feel confident and for most people, myself included, it comes down to looks, ie work on my areas I feel are a problem and view myself in a more positive light. So without babbling on forever here are my new lifestyle changes I am going to try and stick to:

1. Work out at least 3 times a week - I have a gym membership and used to go all the time but getting ill and life got in the way and this dropped quickly but no more excuses! I like the after gym feeling and I don't have enough money for it to go to waste so I just hope my Alec is ready to kick it up a notch 

2. Get my 5 a day - it's not even something I should struggle doing, if I get hungry I chose to have crackers over an apple but no more, fruit tastes good and does good things to your body so why aren't I having it? 

3. Eat smaller portions - I am actually getting better at this but as soon as curry or chips (or any other fattening and tasty food) is being offered around again the answer is always yes, well not for much longer...this one may be difficult 

4. Stop snacking - or if I am hungry have something healthy to eat, no more crackers or cocktail sausages, healthy alternatives only 

5. Cut out dairy for good - I am lactose intolerant but somehow that doesn't seem to stop me from still having pizza and tea with milk, why? I am making myself ill when there are so many alternatives, one day a bloated belly and feeling ill won't be the only thing wrong with me

6. Drink more green tea - random I know but I like green tea and it's meant to have many positive effects on your body, plus I don't need milk, bonus!

7. Walk when possible - I always get a lift to and from work, unless no-one is available, even though it is only 15-20 mins away on a nice safe walk. I will still probably gets lift when it's raining and cold out but if the weather is nice why wouldn't I want to walk? Put some tunes on and away you go. 

8. Stop complaining about my body - easier said then done I know! I am a healthy weight for my age and size but like everyone there are certain parts of my body I want to improve a lot in straight after my next work out. Instead if complaining that my stomach isn't flat and that although I have lost fat and gained muscle Im still not 100% happy, which is why want to be focus on the good things as a 1-2. For every bad thing I think or say about my body I have to think and say two positives, I will let you know how this goes. 

9. Relax - whether this be a makeup free day or just chilling out at home not doing anything,  a day that my skin and body can just rest is so needed...great time to give yourself a little pamper!

(I know nine is a random number but I wasn't going to number them and I can't think of anymore lifestyle changes I want to make at the moment!)

I know everyone and their dog says they are going to try and stick to a healthier lifestyle and two days later they a pigging out and the gym is forgotten about but it's now in writing and there is no going one can sue me right?

Talk to you later x 

(Picture source: Pinterest)


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