Life Update

WARNING: I am not rereading this post and checking everything makes sense as its simply me getting things off my chest and I know if I check it I will erase it all so my apologies on all the mistakes...but you're probably all used to that with me. 

As much as I really don't want to write this it probably is for the best and not for anyone but myself to realise that actually how I am feeling and what I am doing isn't that bad.

Let me start by saying I know I don't need to make this into a blog post and no-one but myself is annoyed of the lack of blog posts I have put out but I am writing this as a post because its not that I don't want to continue with my blog because I do, but I've just had no motivation or time to do it.

I've read many blog posts where people have said they've lost their blogging mojo and it will happen to everyone but that wasn't the case for me. I had lots of ideas and blog posts in my head all ready to post it was actually just sitting down and typing them. I even had multiple have finished blog posts that I only needed to add a picture of finish a paragraph which I could then upload but I just always found something I would rather do and put it off.

Don't get me wrong it wasn't just me being lazy. I have a new laptop that is so slow and crashes all the time that when it did load I lost all the care in the world to actually go onto blogger and start or finish a blog post. With this my laptop is scarily slow and crashes all the time so when it did load the last thing I wanted to do was write a blog post. There's also only so many times I can write a blog post on my phone without wanting to go insane, Actually typing the post is fine but whenever you add a picture (and as you can see from other posts) it takes you back to the top again and although its only a little thing after you've done 5 pictures you will want to do ANYTHING else then keeping adding more.

I realise it sounds like I am making excuses but in reality, all of those are true but life just 'got in the way', I have been meeting up with friends a lot more now they are back from uni, going on more spontaneous trips and just enjoying life that little bit more. It got to the stage that I kept saying 'I can't stay out late, I really need to get back and write a blog post' which is just crazy. This is a hobby not a job, I don't get paid for my blog and I just do this for fun, I know it looks like I am complaining but I do actually like blogging.

I guess at the end of this weird rant/explaining post I wanted to say to myself that its okay to actually live my life and just put a blog post up when I can. At the end of the day recently most of my blog posts are about me going off to places and showing my adventures and how am I meant to do that if I am always saying no cause I feel the need to stay in and blog?

I always said that I was just going to blog when I can so why I feel guilty I don't know but I just wanted to sit down write this post and get it off my chest and you know what, as much as part of me feels a bit silly typing this the other part feels better so lets go with that part.

Really I just need a rainy day where everyone is busy so I can just sit down and just catch up...with the current English weather this may come quicker then I think.

Talk to you later x


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