13 Chairs - Book Review


13 Chairs is not a book I would normally pick up but once I read the blurb it went straight to the 'to buy list but probably never getting around to. Due to always reading the same style of books I went through a large period of time where reading felt like a drag. Due to this, I went to my bookcase, picked the first book on the shelf of 'to be read' and got instantly lost into this story line.  
13 Chairs would be best described as a thriller but I will admit is pretty predictable in some places. Not enough that it ruins the book but if you read a lot of similar style books you can probably see how the mini stories in the books will end. 

13 Chairs is made up of 12 mini stories told by those in the chairs until Jack the main character gets to tell his own. Without giving anything away all of the stories involve death in some sort of way but all very different. Some of these stories, as mentioned were predictable whilst others was just a surprise after surprise. They aren't scary stories but the imagery created and language used did give me chills when reading at 2 in the morning, not my best idea!

Sadly there's not much I can say about this book without giving it away but if you want a book with a creepy vibe to it I highly recommend 13 Chairs. My mum who is an avid Thriller reader has 'borrowed' this herself to read just from what is said on the blurb. 
The element of the book I liked the most is the way that all of the individual stories are told. Each are presented in a different writing style to give each character their own personality and make it seem like you are in the room having the stories being told to you. I have never experienced that in a book before and thought it was really effective. 

Have you read 13 Chairs, what did you think of the book? 

Talk to you later x

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