Constantly Torn

I am a constantly torn person.

I want to get fit and healthy because I have enough medical problems as it is, lets not add obesity to this but I also want to be a bit on the larger size and love my body for what it is because I like to eat and not wanting to fit into what the media considers a 'perfect body'.

I want to spend my life and money traveling the world and seeing what Earth has to over but I have always also dreamt of reaching the highest I can go in a job I love knowing I have worked hard and to feel empowered. Is travelling become engraved into our brains the thing we now all need to do to have a good life?!

I want to be more adventurous and spontaneous but my comfort zone is what I know best and the anxiety nearly always wins.

I want to have a beautiful country wedding and raise a little girl to always believe in herself and feel special like my mother raised me but I also don't agree that marriage is needed and kids are sticky and cry a lot.

I want to eat healthy food all the time, do yoga and drink green tea but donuts are my kryptonite, my cat has torn apart my yoga mat and green tea is not the same as hot chocolate with marshmallows.

I want to be a strong independent women but I have always liked the idea and feeling of having someone to go home to and share what has happened during that day that isn't just my mum and cat.

I am a constantly torn person, but at I am okay with that.

Talk to you later x

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