Why Reading As A Child Is Important

Can we talk about how awesome these new female empowerment books look!

Reading as a child is so important and nothing upsets me more then knowing my younger relatives would rather watch videos and movies then read a book. Reading has completely formed the way I am today and I can honestly say that books have had a big impact on my views and how I've changed the way I live my life.

Instead of talking about all the self help and YA books that have changed my life (a post on that will be coming at some point) I wanted to share everything I learnt by being a booklover child.

I learned:

  • Princesses can be rebels 
  • Villains aren’t always bad 
  • The good guys are not always good 
  • Not everything has a happy ending 
  • Magic is real 
  • People come in all shapes and colours 
  • Not everyone is nice 
  • People die but it’s okay, their impact will never leave 
  • Fairy-tales aren’t like the movies 
  • People do ‘fall in love’ based on appearances - that’s isn’t love 
  • Love can be shown a million ways 
  • Movies don’t give you a full picture 
  • History lessons don’t tell you everything 
  • Not everyone is as lucky as me 
  • The real world isn’t always great (actually most of the time it’s worse)
  • It’s okay to be imaginative 
  • I can be whoever I want to be as it’s MY story 

I can honestly say that as the child who lived in the library and always had her head in a book, the characters I was reading were my friends not just stories I was reading and that 100% made me feel better as a shy anxious girl. Another great reason why children need to read, especially the shy scared children like me.

So what did you learn from reading at a young age? How has it shaped you? I would love to know.

Talk to you later x

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