2017 Christmas To Do List

Its Christmas time! As this December I am not working I have decided to try and fit in as many Christmas related activities as possible because who doesn't love a festive challenge. 
The following list is the top 10 Christmas activities I feel everyone should do to get into the festive spirit. How many of these activities get you in the festive spirit or do you have some alternatives? 
1. Bake Christmas Treats 
2. Got to a Christmas Market 
3. Decorate the house 
4. Read a Christmas novel 
5. Have a Chrismtas movie day 
6. Throw a dance party to Christmas music 
7. Drive around looking at the Christmas lights 
8. Buy a new Christmas jumper - even better, having a competition to see who can find the worst 
9. Go to or take part in a Christmas service 
10. Visiting distant friends and family.  

Talk to you later x

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